Janueri is a custom-tailored apparel Brand that makes one-of-a-kind Outfits for women to show off their unique style confidently & Freely.


Clients Requirements:
To create a visual identity that represents the essence of the brand.

The message of the brand: A custom-tailored apparel that makes each piece individually only a one-of-a-kind outfit collection, giving it a unique look, the care, and love it requires to make women comfortable and confident in their own skin.
The brand makes women feel special stepping out with only one stylish piece of the outfit making them stand out from the crowd where they can be in their own flow of vibe while wearing the dress.



Brand Design

-Visual Identity
-Visual Style
-Stationery Materials

+ Brand Experience


-Packaging Experience to represent the idea of the brand.


Look at it, Let it sink in you. Now you tell me what you see, feel and what does it say to you.



Visual Brand Identity

Behind the identity:
The "J" in the logo stands for a needle with a thread passing through it. To represent customizing of outfits. An elegant, feminine calligraphic font bridging the gap between brand and audience.

A visual edge that is clear, easy-going, understandable with a modern-day classy feel to it.

Brand Communication:

Being Transparent, Friendly, and Uplifting.
Colour Palette: Grey and Turquoise.
The colour selection was to represent a sophisticated, down-to-earth while still being classy, fresh, calm along with an elegant look with a dash of modern touch and feel to the brand.
Icon: "J" and The Button above the “I” at the end.



Icon Symbols | Colour Palette  | Pattern

Icon Symbols | Colour Palette | Pattern


Brand on Retail Apparel:

Sweatshirt J2 Mock Up.jpg

Brand Experience

Credit: @Prachi Desai and Janueri

Retail Experience

janueri bag.jpg

Thank you for your time!

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